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Fact Sheets

Coral Reef Fact Sheet 2

Did you know coral reefs are some of the planet’s oldest ecosystems? Thousands of species of corals have been discovered, some live in shallow water and others live deep in the dark ocean. Not only are coral reefs beautiful and filled with diverse aquatic life, they are so much fun

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Fact Sheets

Coral Reef Fact Sheet 3

Did you know our beautiful coral reefs are in danger of disappearing? Some threats are from nature, others are from people. What things can we do as everyday people to help save the coral reefs? Come check out our fact sheets on coral reefs. Read them together with your little

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Howdy parents and children! We started this site because we feel reading is such a spectacular ability to have, it’s like a superpower. Once you start reading and have the love for it, it becomes so enjoyable it’s hard to stop. Also, I’d like to point out that it’s something

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Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness is defined as the ability to identify, hear, and work with the smallest units of sound known as phonemes. It is NOT the same as phonological awareness, instead, it is a sub-category of phonological awareness. For example, phonemic awareness is narrow, and deals only with phonemes and manipulating

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How to Teach Phonemic Awareness While Reading Bedtime Stories

Helping young children develop phonemic awareness early on is one of the keys for children to develop exceptional reading and writing skills once they begin attending schools. Did you know that studies have indicated that phonemic awareness is the single best predictor of reading success for young children once they

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How to Teach Your Baby to Read

Teaching your baby to read is becoming more and more high priority for parents now as it becomes clear that learning to read at a young age offers numerous advantages for the child once he or she begins school. Studies have consistently found that teaching a baby to read and

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